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Things to do this month on Ibiza | December 2022

The coming month on Ibiza promises a wealth of typical festive season activities for all the family. From the turning on of the Christmas lights to Yuletide banquets, live music, atmospheric markets, sports, charity and cultural events to parties, there’s no shortage of fun things to do and see in December.

Best wishes for a very merry Christmas and a sparkling New Year from Ibiza Spotlight!

itinerary of parties, exhibitions and industry hang-outs, elrow brought Delusionville to Factory Town.


All month long

The Christmas season’s festivities kick off with the much-awaited lighting of the main towns’ Christmas trees and streetlights. The key dates to get down to the centre of town and hear the local Mayor’s annual benediction are:

  • Ibiza Town Friday 2 December 18:30
  • San Antonio Friday 2 December 18:30
  • Santa Eulalia Saturday 3 December 18:00


Written by HFM Team

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